Miso Dipping Sauce Gyoza it goes well with rice, and it goes well with beer. みそだれ餃子 ご飯が進む、ビールも進む

Cooking Time: 8 minutes
調理時間 8分

Cooking Instructions

Using a frying pan

Ingredients for 2 servings:
材料 2人分

Ingredient Quantity
材料名 数量
UMAMI Ajinomoto Gluten Free Vegetable Gyoza 1 bag
UMAMI 味の素グルテンフリーベジタブル餃子 1袋

Miso sauce:
A: Miso 1 tablespoon
A: 味噌 大さじ1
A: Soy Sauce 1 tablespoon
A:しょうゆ 大さじ1
A: Vinegar 1 tablespoon
A:酢 大さじ1
A: Sugar 1 teaspoon
A:砂糖 小さじ1
A: Sesame Oil 1 teaspoon
A:ごま油 小さじ1

1. Arrange the frozen UMAMI Ajinomoto Gyoza in the frying pan before heating it. No oil or water is required.
For pans prone to sticking, you may use a small amount of oil.
1. 凍ったままのUMAMI 味の素グルテンフリーベジタブル餃子を、フライパンに火をつける前に並べます。油・水は不要です。

2. Cover with a lid and steam-fry over medium heat for approximately 5 minutes.
If cooking a small quantity (5 or fewer dumplings), use low heat.
For induction cooking, aim for 800W to 1000W.
2. フタをして、中火で約5分蒸し焼きにします。


3. Remove the lid and continue cooking while adjusting until the dumplings develop a golden brown color across their entire surface.

a lightly burnt thin layer of crispy crust


4.Mix A while cooking.

5.Plate the cooked gyoza and serve with the miso sauce from step 4.

Click here to learn how to cook delicious pan-fried 'UMAMI Ajinomoto Gluten Free Vegetable Gyoza' with wings in 1 minute (English version)
1分でわかる 羽つき「UMAMI 味の素グルテンフリーベジタブル餃子」のおいしい焼き方は こちらをクリック (英語)

Click here to learn how to cook delicious pan-fried 'UMAMI Ajinomoto Gluten Free Vegetable Gyoza' with wings in 1 minute (Japanese version)
1分でわかる 羽つき「UMAMI 味の素グルテンフリーベジタブル餃子」のおいしい焼き方は こちらをクリック (日本語)


