AMARIKOSHIN Best Japanese Mustard 300g

Amari Koshin Shokuhin SKU: DSPI542
AMARIKOSHIN Best Japanese Mustard 300g
AMARIKOSHIN Best Japanese Mustard 300g
AMARIKOSHIN Best Japanese Mustard 300g

AMARIKOSHIN Best Japanese Mustard 300g

Amari Koshin Shokuhin SKU: DSPI542
通常価格 $12.20
  • 安全な支払い
  • 在庫あり、発送準備完了
  • 途中の在庫
/ja/policies/shipping-policy '>送料はチェックアウト時に計算されます。

It is crushed carefully selected high-quality mustard to create a smooth and easy-to-mix finish. If you use wine vinegar and honey instead of water, you will have a homemade mustard that goes well with sausages and hotdogs

Cooking method: For one part of this product, add about twice as much lukewarm water or water, and knead well before use. If you leave it about 4 to 5 minutes, the aroma and spiciness will become even more pronounced.






*Please disregard the Best Before Date on image.

