NAMISATO Rice Flour for Baking - Mizuho Chikara 450g

ichibajunction SKU: DTEM548
NAMISATO Rice Flour for Baking - Mizuho Chikara 450g
NAMISATO Rice Flour for Baking - Mizuho Chikara 450g
NAMISATO Rice Flour for Baking - Mizuho Chikara 450g

NAMISATO Rice Flour for Baking - Mizuho Chikara 450g

ichibajunction SKU: DTEM548
通常価格 $6.00
  • 安全な支払い
  • 在庫あり、発送準備完了
  • 途中の在庫
/ja/policies/shipping-policy '>送料はチェックアウト時に計算されます。

About the product

"Mizuhochikara" rice flour has excellent properties for baking, as it causes minimal damage to the starch during the milling process. As a result, it helps baked goods rise better, making it ideal for bread-making. Compared to regular rice flour, it produces a fluffier and more evenly baked result.

This rice flour is especially prized for its ability to create light, fluffy textures in bread and other baked goods, making it a superior choice for gluten-free recipes.

"Furthermore, with NAMISATO's unique milling technology, the rice flour is finely ground to a texture similar to that of wheat flour, making it easier to rise and mix with other ingredients. Enjoy making rice flour bread with ease!

How to use 

Rice Flour Bread Recipe (For 17cm x 6cm Pound Cake Pan)


  • 200g Mizuhochikara rice flour
  • 18g sugar
  • 3g salt
  • 7g melted butter
  • 3g dry yeast
  • 150g lukewarm water


  1. Mix Dry Ingredients:

    • In a bowl, combine the rice flour, sugar, and salt. Stir lightly to mix them evenly.
  2. Add Wet Ingredients:

    • Add the melted butter, dry yeast, and lukewarm water to the dry ingredients. Stir the mixture until smooth and well combined.
  3. Prepare the Pan:

    • Line a 17cm x 6cm pound cake pan with parchment paper, ensuring the paper extends slightly higher than the edge of the pan. This will prevent the dough from overflowing as it rises.
  4. Shape and Let Rise:

    • Pour the dough into the prepared pan and smooth the surface. Allow the dough to rise at 40°C for 35 minutes in the oven, or until it has doubled in size (it should reach near the top of the pan).
    • Note: If your oven does not have a fermentation function, cover the dough with plastic wrap and let it rise at room temperature (25-30°C) for 2-3 hours. In summer, this may take about 1.5 hours, while in winter, it may take 4 hours. Be careful not to let it rise too much, as this can cause indentations after baking.
  5. Preheat and Bake:

    • Preheat your oven to 200°C (392°F).
    • Bake the dough for approximately 25 minutes. To check if it’s done, insert a skewer into the center of the bread. If it comes out clean, the bread is ready.
  6. Cool and Serve:

    • Remove the bread from the pan and let it cool completely on a wire rack. Once cooled, slice the bread.
    • The bread is delicate, so if you're not serving it right away, wrap it tightly. To enjoy it later, reheat it in the microwave just before serving.


  • 本品ー200G  

  • 砂糖ー18G 

  • 食塩ー3G

  • 溶かしバター7G

  • ドライイーストー3G

  • ぬるま湯150G


  1. 本品、佐藤、食塩をボウルに入れ軽く混ぜ合わせます。

  2. 1に溶かしたバター、ドライイースト、ぬるま湯を加え、滑らかになるまで混ぜます。

  3. パウンド型にクッキーシートを敷き、生地を入れる、表面を平らにします。シートをやや高めにしておくと、生記事が膨らんで型にもつかないようになります。

  4. オーブンレンジで40°Cで35分発酵させます。記事が2倍(型すれすれまで)に膨らみます。発行機能がない場合には、ラップをかけ25-30°Cの室温で2-3時間発酵させます。(夏季:常温約一時間半、冬季:約四時間*型の高さにより膨らまないようにご注意ください。高くなってしまうと焼き上がり後パンに凹みが出てきてしまいます。

  5. 200°Cに予熱したオーブンで焼く約25分焼きます。竹串を刺して生地がつかなければ焼き上がりです。

  6. 型から出し、完全に冷めたらスライスします。記事が崩れやすいので、集め西、すぐに召し上がらない場合はラップをかけ、召し上がりになる直前に電子レンジを温めてください。

Alot more recipe availabe from this link! :

*Please disregard the Best Before Date on image.

