Weekly Sale!
Weekly Sale!
Now, we are taking a break for weekly Sale for a while...We will be back as soon as this situation get better! Hope to see you soon!! 01/04/2020
Now weekly sale has started in Ichiba Junction. (日本語記事はこちらからどうぞ)
We sell 1 item with special price every week plus we have Monthly Special as well.
Please check Ichiba Junction website every week!
Don't miss out!
The weekly sale product for this week is this...
Sanpo Kurume Tonkotsu (Kurume Style Pork Bone Base Soup) Ramen Cup 89g

These items will be on weekly specials on next 3 weeks!

Please stay tuned!
When we update weekly special, we will update on Facebook.
Please check our Facebook page for more information!