Green Tea Muffins

Green Tea Muffins

Ingredients: 120g Butter / 110g Sugar / 2 Eggs / 4 tbsp Green Tea Powder / 200g wheat flour / 2 tsp Baking Powder / 100ml Soy Milk or Milk / Raspberries / White Chocolate

1) Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celcius.

2) Beat butter at room temperature until light and creamy, then add sugar and mix well.

3) Pour beaten eggs and beat well.

4) Add green tea powder, then wheat flour and baking powder, and stir gently until well combined.
5) Pour soy milk gradually, and stir the mixture well.

6) Divide the mixture into muffin cases until three-quarters full.
Top with blueberries, chocolate or any toppings you prefer.

7) Bake for 20 mins or until cooked through when tested with a skewer.
Cool on a wire rack.

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