Okara Matcha Scorns

Okara Matcha Scorns


Okara Matcha Scorns

It is healthier than normal scorns because of Okara soy bean powder.

Nice even without any cream!


<Ingredients 8 peices>

Okara Soy Bean Powder...... 50g

・Flour ...... 100g

・Baking Powder .... 2 tsp

Matcha Green Tea Powder ...... 1 tsp

・Sugar..... 40g

・Butter ..... 50g

・Egg ..... 1

・Yogurt ..... 70g

・Milk .... 20g

・Milk Chocolate ...... 30g


<How to make>

1.  Mix all powder ingredients(okara powder, flour, baking powder, green tea powder & sugar) in a bowl with whisk.

2. Mix softened butter into cream texture with whisk.

3. Add mixed powder ingredients in 2 and mix with spatula.

4. Add beaten egg & yogurt in 3 and combine.

5. Wrap 4 and rest in fridge for 1 hour to 1 night.

6. Pre heat oven to 180℃ and chop milk chocolate into small pieces. Dust flour on bench top and take out 5.

7. Sprinkle the chopped chocolate chips on the dough and fold it to mix the chocolate into the dough. Repeat a few times to mix evenly but do not knead too much(the dough will get tough).

8. Roll the dough 1.5cm thick and cut into shapes you like.

9. Bake in oven with 180℃for 20 minutes.

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