The recipe of today is Tofu Dengaku! Dengaku is a Miso glazed dish that has been eaten in Japan for around 1000 years!

The recipe of today is Tofu Dengaku! Dengaku is a Miso glazed dish that has been eaten in Japan for around 1000 years!

Tofu, also known as bean curd, is a food prepared by coagulating soy milk and then pressing the resulting curds into soft white blocks.

Tofu is one of the most important products in Japanese cuisine. In comes in various shapes and textures, such as firm and soft, etc. It can be eaten raw or cooked or fried, and it is easily one the most versatile foods. In addition to that, it also very nutritious and healthy product. Tofu has a low-calorie count and relatively large amounts of protein. It is high in iron, and can have a high calcium or magnesium content, depending on the coagulants used in manufacturing (e.g. calcium chloride, calcium sulfate, magnesium sulfate).

It’s also one of the main ingredients in shoji ryori, the traditional vegetarian cuisine served in Buddhist temples.

The recipe of today is Tofu Dengaku! Dengaku is a Miso glazed dish that has been eaten in Japan for around 1000 years. Common ingredients used for dengaku are tofu, block konnyaku, and aubergine. It is very easy to cook Dengaku Tofu with just a pan!

Ingredients (serves 2)

  1. Tofu 1 block (300-400g)
  2. Vegetable oil
  3. Sesame seeds
  4. Scallions
Miso sauce:

  • 1 3/4 oz red miso
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tbsp mirin
  • 5 tbsp dashi soup stock
  • 1 tbsp sesame oil


  1.  Cut the tofu in half. Wrap in kitchen paper and press lightly to squeeze out water.
  2. Mix the sauce ingredients in a small pot and place it over a low heat while stirring.
  3. Cut the tofu into biter size chunks and skewer each piece with a skewer.
  4. Apply the vegetable oil over a cooking grill using a brush and fry the tofu over a medium heat until both sides are browned.
  5. Place the tofu on a plate. Pour the miso sauce. Top with sesame seed and scallions and serve immediately. Enjoy!

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